Soledad O'Brien had a lot to say to Michael Arrington about the fact that he doesn't believe that black entrepreneurs exist. Dr. Boyce Watkins has a few things to say as well.
Soledad O'Brien had a lot to say to Michael Arrington about the fact that he doesn't believe that black entrepreneurs exist. Dr. Boyce Watkins has a few things to say as well.
Tech Crunch founder Michael Harrington said that he doesn't know of a single black entrepreneur. Dr. Boyce Watkins and Yvette Carnell ask whether or not he's a racist.
Michael Arrington, founder of Tech Crunch Magazine, actually seems to think that black entrepreneurs don't exist.
by Byron Price – Your Black World
Dr. Boyce Watkins has asked me to contribute to the book Ryan Mack and he are authoring, which has largely spun out of Ryan’s effort to help the African American community achieve economic empowerment through financial literacy. I applaud what the two of them are proposing as well as Michele Alexander and her efforts to mitigate the impact mass incarceration is having on our community. They all are on the right track, but I am concerned that their efforts will be undermined by the continuous inability of our community to develop industries, which employ the ones they are trying to help.
Rudolph Byrd, a noted black scholar at Emory University, died at the age of 58. Professor Byrd had been fighting cancer for many years, and succumbed to the illness this week.
President Obama is finally bringing our men and women home from Iraq. Good for him and even better for them.
Dr. Boyce Watkins and Dr. Laquita Blockson break down the ethical issues of Wall Street and the logic behind the movement to Occupy Wall Street.
October 16, 2011 Leave a Comment
It only makes sense that we show respect for those who have chosen to participate in the Martin Luther King Memorial Dedication ceremonies this week. Millions of Americans truly appreciate the legacy of Dr. King, and their involvement in the ceremony is reflective of this sentiment. So, my desire not to participate in the commemoration… [Continue Reading]